Adrian Budhram (Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences)
Ali Khan (Department Of Medical Biophysics and Medical Imaging
Andrea Andrade (Department of Paediatric Neurology)
Birgit Frauscher (McGill University Department of Neurology)
Dang Nguyen (Universite de Montreal Department of Neuroscience)
David Steven (Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences)
Greydon Gilmore (Department Of Biomedical Engineering)
Ingrid Johnsrude (Department of Psychology)
Jonathan Lau (Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences)
Jorge Burneo (Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences)
Julio Martinez-Trujillo (Department of Physiology and Pharmacology)
Keith MacDougall (Department Of Neurosurgery)
Kevin Shoemaker (Department of Physiology & Pharmacology)
Lyle Muller (Department of Applied Mathematics)
Maryam Nouri (Department of Paediatrician and Clinical Neurological Sciences)
Milad Khaki (Department of Physiology and Pharmacology)